Famed Miller High life spokesman and man of all around intelligence and expertise in the beer industry Wendell Middletion appeared on the Roll Up Podcast and the Leafy channel talking cannabis beer. Wendell is a man who has lighted up many times to live the high life and the Roll Up podcasters Bruce Barcott, Ben Adlin, and Dave Schmader had award winning and another successful broadcast pushing marijuana and mixing it with beer. They discussed this new craft beer called Dank beer and Wendell Middlebrooks said it tasted nasty and fucking nothing like pot and what should be expected by a marijuana tainted beer. This dank beer is horrible and I would never allow ther manager here at the Itasca Inn to purchase such a shit product for our regulars to drink and would be embarrassed if I had to pass it out for sample.

This beer is awful and already there are loads of hops and pot based offerings out there in the craft brewery world but perhaps none is bigger than Dank Beer and has received as much as attention. It angered Windell Middlebrooks so much that he had Miller executives call this marijuana based podcast and ask for them to host Windell so he can explain how drinking tainted beer is not the same as lighting up a bud and not even able to give a user the experience they may expect by seeing the labeling.
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