Marcus Harris and other international inverstors looking and praying for a downturn to gobble up stocks on the cheap

Andy Cruz
   Marcus Harris and thinkers like him are scumbags and a recent associated press syndicated news story featured this clown and he admitted how he was hoping for a major downturn in the economy and misery and job replacement for so many others. The problem with capitalism is that investors often can make or break a countries economy and they do this in a orgy of greed that Marcus Harris is looking and hoping to catch real soon so he can purchased fail stocks at cheap prices and he looks forward to job loss and pension elimination because he is a investor sumbag. The stock market is a scam and always has been and as long as you have an economic system reliant on a system of greed and enforced crashes every seven or so years there will still be a perilous unstable system for so many people displaced and put into a road of perpetual serfdom. Economic crashes are often cause by this speculation that has no part of a modern industrial country and is just ways for the Internationale dark money to be used and destroy companies that they can thus acquire and use marketing techniques to spend more on preferred clients and be used to lower the living standard for the worker. Marcus Harris and other rich people shouldn't have the power to purchase stock sin a downturn and this continuing abuse of the stock market and the assets of jobs and companies that provide it are more reasons why socialism is gaining traction and may eventually replace this brutal system against the worker.

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