Mark Zuckerberg loses incredible wealth and value of Facebook as market for fake tech company falls

Zachary Zuckerberg
  Social media was always a mainstream journalism and media hype and an attempt to control the social narrative by making the public think these platforms and tech companies were more important than they ever were. The market is finally catching up to the bullshit nature of Twitter and Facebook and seeing it no more relevant than MySpace or more popular than Google Plus. Mark Zuckerberg and his face book saw a huge sell off of Facebook and a drop in value of some 150 billion dollars as investors worry about the long-term survival of Facebook given the stagnating subscriber list and whether most of the subscribers are actually eye balls and not fake personal artificial intelligence.
 The ghost of Myspace is a constant thought for my brother Mark Zuckerberg and the loss of influence and power though the prestige ownership of a fake global great company is a specter that give him loose goosenipples. Mark Zuckerberg does not want to go down the same technopath as Groupon's Andrew Mason as he failed to deliver the fake billions once promised and thought up as a value number by the corrupted global business investors on the World Wide Web and in the real fake financial world. There may be a day Facebook is as influential and as important as Google Glass or even Google Plus. Facebook was never influential or important but saw as a temporary safe place for corrupt dark money to be parked and slowly redistributed to other secotrs of the economy and this shell game is a ply of the kleptocrats for decades and the scam that is the stock exchange. Its only a matter of time before Mark is working the fries an dog stand at a Weinershcnitzel. 

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