Patrick Henningsen and Howard Hughes upset British heat wve getting on their nerves and fake news

Oscar Orton
The British Isles are blessed with two amazing fake news podcasters we often get a giggle and a sniggle out of listening and this is Patrick Henningsen of the Sunday Wire and Howard Hughes of something called the Unexplained. Howard often talks about strange sightings and bigfoot and is an Art Bell wanabee. He recently said that in all of his year in Great Britain he has never seen a summer such as this and that living in an apartment on the second or more floor is unbearable Howard Hughes wondered if the Lochness monster would survive this heat wave and climate change being experienced by people in the British Isles.
As Mr Hughes pointed out homes in this region are not constructed as they are for air conditioning and what would be expected in the American South and Mr Hughes is drinking alot of water as he does his fake news unexplained podcast in the midst of this brutal English summer.
  Patrick Henninsen often talks about Syhria and Israel and this is basically all the man thinks and eats. Patrick Henningsen though is skeptical of the media's portrayal of his heat wave and he says the Guardian and the BBC are full of fake news to proclaim that hundreds of people are dropping in the street thanks to these extreme temperatures and the media wishes to do this to support their version of climate change. Henningsen refuses to believe the planet is getting warmer although he feels this intense heat wave in the UK and believes it is foreign states manipulating weather and he blames Russia for cold in winter and says media inflates temperatures and summer stories.

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