Reece Elrich appears on the punk hick Scott Horton's podcast to talk of his failed policy in Iraq, Iran, and Syria

Earl Cunningham
   Reece Elrich is a Mid East expert and appeared on an award losing podcast where host Scot Horton just rambles that everything the Americans do in the region is a mistake and we should just let them fight each other. Reece Elrich tried to explain how our allies seemed to support terrorists that eventually we had to battle various groups. Both Elrich and Horton says that outside players are determining once again the future and fortunes of this land and many countries main involvement is to destroy and repair and find ways to profit.

 from conflicts  with Mid East mad countries
The modern day scramble for the Middle East is on par with the scramble for Africa and Scott Horton says president Trump wishes to add Iran into the nation rebuild effort. Reece Elrich is amazing propagandist with a specially in the Mid east and was on Horton's podcast to once again promote another book.
Elrich gave an example of Syrian government overreach where a single sniper can draw Assad forces artillery and bammmm  they bring an entire building down for one opponent. These two dorks also blamed America for Yemen. Horton for his part pushed Zen Coin and Zen Cash and promoted himself for his lecture series and appearances on other fruit flies anarchist and libertarian podcasts as Horton had Reece Elrich on his program once more and after this latest podcast Horton claimed it was perhaps his best program to date in his impressive five thousand podcast episodes about Syria and Iraq through the years and clearly this punk as angered and appeared on the Israeli propaganda radar wondering why this hick is always talking shit about Israel when discussing internal civil wars and conflicts. Reece Elrich is a journalist willing to go into the danger zones and where all the land mines looking like a future early explorer on Mars clearing the martian landscape for eventual human settlement.

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