Glpbal Casinos corrupt and open up Japan to four score and more casinos in the futiure to move dark money

  Lee Park Kong
  Despite massive public resistance and outrage against the opening of Japan to international investors and companies like Caesars japan lawmakers barely allowed for four casinos to open soon and th floodgates of corruption are now open and on July 20th Shinzo Abe's pet project to allow more of these illegal money movers into Japanese society  and tempers flared in the diet as fist a cuffs developed by morale thinking Japanese lawmakers knowing full well at what can happen opening up this Asian giant already suffering from organized Yakuza gangsters and crime to further outlets and abilities of the corruptible erosive global class .
Shinzo shoved this bill through with hsi influential Yen and dark dollars to get this fucker passed and already he announced four sites for these four casinos and his fake news that there will only be four is ahhhhhh fake news. By 2025 Japan will be littered with casinos like America that add nothing but crummy jobs for the locals and an outrageous number of outlets for the global fraud class to hide money form regulators. Clearly most knowledgeable people know the international source of this casinofication plot coming form the Mid-East.
Shinz Abo is an ass and wishes to turn this great conservative morale nation (although albeit sexually addicted) into one where money and casino operators will be able to use massive easy profits to swindle Japan's increasing elderly geriatric population and opening up the Japanese diet to more corruption turning it into a more unequal society of risk taking economic gamble. The question one ponders is why Shinzo Abe feels the need Japan and the greater Tokyo metropolitan area feels the  need for casinos and turning society into a Vegas City.
No amount of turning the country and claiming casinos can be family friendly will change the fact that casinos are seedy shit holes and should never of been allowed to proliferate as such around the world. Casino's rise globally coincide with the rise of massive massive and massive inequality and why no one except me makes this fucking connection I will never know. Shinzo Abe has ceased to be a Japanese leader and now serves the interests of the casino global operators and he will dish out some sushi and sweet juicy deals for local contractors and this is the scam of the casino development.

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