John Holl and his ugly ho attempts to bring down craft beer questioning the industry compared to big marketing beer

Baxter Lomax
 John Holl is a big fat meathead with a lesbian looking wife and is a writer and supposed expert on the beer industry., What he more likely is may be a shill for the big international beer companies and conglomerates that long ago bought out the cheap American beer lager companies form Milwaukee and St Louis and decided to spend more on advertising and pay tribute to the monopolist mainstream media.
 Pig and fuckface John Holl is a joje and he hates the fact that the big Internationale beer conglomerates have actual competition and small breweries and other drinking outlets exist and the days of the dive local neighborhood bar dominating the beer drinking ballgame are kaput. Holl claims he sees mice and rats in his visits to some 1300 small breweries and perhaps this piece of shit should take a look at biology and realize that mice and rats are adaptable animals and surely some large breweries have the same problem along with Holl's overreaction to some smaller breweries having dirty glassware
 John Holl wrote a piece in the Tribune how he had a craft beer explode and that he noticed craft beers often don't all taste the same and this exact dependency in crucial Holl says  where you buy them and where they are brewed etc etc. he want on to praise the expenditure sand taste testers that Budweiser has to ensure all their beers are similar and exact in taste (while ignoring this uniformity cheapness tastes like dirty crud) and Holl is just a shit who hates new craft companies because they don't have huge marketing departments taking out valuable resources away form workers and supporting media.  Holl is a moron who says local breweries can up their game and take more of a share in beer sales but this is absurd because as long as you have a sick ghetto liquor store allowance outlet distribution retail corrupt system of the neighborhood liquor stores, that always mainly promote and ell the shit big beer brands, craft superior beer will always hover around the fifteen percent rate of beer sales because Miller and InBev have set this system and accounting fraud capabilities with villages,toons,and cities in America and the West. The best beer is not served primarily though this country with the shit liquor store most of who are owned by pieces of shit form Ragistan countries,

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