Lebanese and Indian merchants trying to open up more smoke shops and increase smoking and ill health affects in America

Jordan Morgan
  Make no mistake the dirty Lebanese care little about health as this is a country where well over fifty percent of t  population smokes. Kids are encourages to light up and packs of cigarettes are dirt cheap in these  dirty land and unfortunately in a global economic order all for the progress progressives have been successful in pushing  back and fighting the scourge of smoking can go up i smoke thanks to Indian and Lebanese  entrepreneurs who have no other talent than getting free loans form the government to ope up business. America luckily has a population and smoking rate of fifteen percent but is if these  Lebanese bastards get their way this total will increase until it resembles tee camel stan Lebanon s well over fifty percent smoking rates.
The government in Lebanon for its credit has tried to ban smoking and get their rate lowered  as the costly ill-affects of this nasty habit costs the country millions but the arrogance of the Arab and coastal elites provoke outrage at this ban and many stubborn asses , mainly men , continue   to arrogantly lite up and  draw away families form certain places and eateries.These addicted shits car little that other non-smokers have to be jeopardized with the scourge of second-hand smoke . Happy Patel is still selling cigarettes in his shit hole Kansas City neighborhood and Lebanese fucks like him contribute mightily to Americas smoking an health crisis just as bad as the massive amount of pills coming over from China.
The cancer rates are skyrocketing in Jordan and Lebanon and thousands of deaths are being increased and if these deaths were attributed to the Israeli army there undoubtedly would be more local Arab outrage against  the evils and poison spread by big tobacco in these lands sometimes called stans. Jordan is  particular meat head country where stubbornness of sticking to tobacco coffin nails costs this shit hole country an incredible amount of money.
The Lebanese wish to spread a product that causes respiratory damage,many forms of cancer, and heart disease.  Thank to the global business migration and tax avoiding and preferring adventure s our country needs to be inundated with more fuck hole establishments on Main Street selling junk,garbage and poison all because our political leader allow rich brown business people to settle and buy into our business districts offering crap (whether it be bad meats form Mexico or more tobacco from Jordan or Carolina  and trying to turn our great country into their shit holes.

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