Se Cupp has fear now that bought corrupt leaders like John McCain are dying

Jerry Palmer
   SE Cupp is a little Conservative slut who wishes to come across as some moderate and remain a member of the mainstream media and she recently added her two thoughts in a article that was not thought provoking. In just about every tribute liberals and the pretend conservatives like Se Cupp have written about the heralded moment when John McCain defended Barack Hussein Obama and the moment that so e people called him an Arab and were scared of what his administration could provide this country. The no Ma'am moment of this geriatric bastard lifelong politician is all that is remembered by members of the liberal press who now find John McCain as more of an inspiring individual from just one moment and his stance against president Trump and in actuality the no Ma'am Barack Obama is a moment is what caused the maverick the presidency.
SE Cupp is a total moron as are all others to continue to pay tribute to leader like John McCain that never saw a war he didn't like and allowed massive number of corrupt dollars from overseas for the globalist agenda and he has always been a steady part of the sell out of American jobs and assets to foreigners in his time in the senate. SE Cupp said nothing of John McCain's awful rule in Arizona and McCain's lie that Obama was not an Arab globalist in policy had dire consequences for America and Europe as he personally has seen to it that Europe got flooded with brown Muslims during his presidency. Libtards and Se Cupp praised McCain for standing up to fears being promulgated against the first black Muslim president of the United States when he was running one on one and it is to bad the press and writers like Trump since the man won a fair and square  election e Se Cupp can't stand up and attack the fears being perpetuated about Trump when the man won a fair and square contest against Hilary Clinton whose main source and contributions were form overseas donations to her fake foundation and whose money is continuing being used to perpetuate fear of Trump because he wants to redo trade deals.
John McCain is deader than a door nail and he is thankfully not coming back to the senate and his time is up. For many thinking and knowledgeable  Americans it lasted to long and he should of died in Vietnam. It was shits like Mr McCain  Americas middle class has been shrinking and the gap between the super have rich folks and the have nots has skyrocketed M Se Cupp's fear of Trump is shared by middle trade elites and global panhandlers and swindlers of government and commerce and she fears an easy media gig could easily come to an end form Trump and longs for a shit head leader like John McCain to arise again and hold office for three decades serving the globalists.

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