Russ Russo
King plutocrat billionaire form a stupid platform (most of which we say is fake) Jack Dorsey was vocal and kicked a few court jesters at a proposal to tax his castle and holdings. A San Francisco referendum to raise the cities business gross resists to help out with the gross fecal matter of the massive number of homeless was attacked by this greedy son of a butchers pig. The bay area is one f the continents rare tranquil weather climates and many homeless people flock there for the comfort that apparently wealthy plutocrats wish to be reclusive to the millionaire and billionaire class. Techies and teir fake generated central banking money printing investing angels have helped cause this problem along with the immigration play for pay welcoming of other billionaires form Asia. These greedy Asiatics, who rally have no reason other than greed , come to Americas and Canada West coast and raising property prices.

Doset took a beating on his own platform of absurdity that is twitter and way over-valued to give the likes of Jack Dorsey and other techies special powers in the economy and how they have managed San Francisco is complete failure and in crisis public health mode. The amount of greed shits like Jack Dorsey have and their fear of raising taxes to help homeless people have decent rights and one of these rights is toe pursuit of happiness and safety and the likes of Wolfman Jack apparently are resisting as much as their money can go. Dorsey and other technocrats have established these monopolist platforms and the amount of money his payment processing monopoly Square makes is absurd and taxes needed to help alleviate a social problem the greed one percent have caused and increased inequality so people like Jack can own so much clothes and gadgets for seems like little Jack Horner only wants to help himself to more asset over-valuation and jet travel opportunities promoting is company twitter that is so valued because it allows fake Macedonian trolls to set up accounts and other bored people to write three sentences or at a time through a social media platform.

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