Baxter Lomax
Back in the day not too long ago Lagunitas was the premier label and brand of the revolutionary craft beer movement , where a movement towards fresher and better tasting beer was created against the advertising behemoths of cheap corn-based chemical brands of Miller and Coors and so forth. The growing presence of other craft breweries many of whom's only objective is to be bought out by these same crummy large corporate advertising based beer global brands pretty much show the hypocrisy and deplorability of the craft beer moment. It was never about selling good and superior beers but as in Laguntias beers excels a hope of a ponzi scheme and eventual sellout to the highest bidder:Which most of the case would of years later. be the large cheap bad beer brands that dominate the aisles of the shitty corner liquor stores across these ugly poverty stricken suburbs and ghettos..

Lagunitas laid off twelve percent of their workforce and sold half of their asserts to Heineken for a reported 500 million and then later sold off th eres tof the company in a undisclosed amount a couple of years later. Again where global brands make up values and get this money to buy out or purchase a Lagunitis and eventually bring down the brand purposely to end exponential brand rivalry and competition. The merger and acquisition method is often used by the large corporate behemoths to forestall growing movements and brands that threatened their profits and bottom line and why these craft beer brands keep allowing Heineken, InBev, and others to slow their growth and ability of other names to become large is not known unless it has always been an objective and part of the plan. This same methodology is used in the tech industry and Heineken made if difficult for Lagunitas to expand and grow their distribution network because Heineken would rather create and spend on their junk offerings than spend more in quality ingredients and better superior product that was the original independent Lagunitas. It was never about the beer but a way to get into the game of finance with the hope of a cash out much like being at a slot of a casino and pulling the slots arms instead of the tap arm.

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