Jake Glass
Animal stories
A disturbing find in what is being described as an alligator-type creature being discovered as sent scientists scrambling to identify and categorize this new crocodilean creature discovered in shitty Waukegan, Illinois. The four-foot mysterious mini-monster is being described as alligator-type but not just yet a alligator and perhaps sit is a hybridized breed of crocodile and alligator or something created in a laboratory. The creature was discovered swimming in the cold waters of Lake Michigan and at first the kayak rider thought it was a blow up doll pool toy

This may indeed be a new creature not endemic to the warmer climates commonly thought for for crocodilean species and I would be willing to wage that more of these gator-type thingies will be found in the cold baring beaches of Waukegan Illinois and Milwaukee Wisconsin stretch of coastlines. This new gator species is already being compared to the chupacabras in Mexico and how exactly a alligator looking thing was discovered in the Lake Michigan is bewildering folks in and around all the Great Lakes. In fact, given the vast amounts of people form Latin America that have overtaken this once prosperous industrial mighty American city, I would not be surprised if there is some South American gator species being breed on a fish farm around here and meat sold to various Mexican restaurants and this can explain the sudden appearances of this alligator type Caiman thing in the waters of Lake Michigan. After all it is harder to import wild horse and donkey kong meat into America now with Trumps tariffs.

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