Award-winning alternative podcaster Patrick Henningsen blasted the Western media representing Russia and the neighboring Stans as a constant rhreat and brought up how Yakov Smirnoff was marketed and represented . Patrick Henningsen says the media and moviedom represents a distort picture of Russia and Khazakstan and it got more ridiculous with Sasha Cohen representation of Khazakstans. Henningsen says these culturalist misrepresentors have created such false reality and brain-washed most people that recall movies for their everyday experiences. most people are television zombies and relarte their problems and reflections based on experiences of watching television programs. He says the represent Russia in a particular cartoonist concept and get people to think of the Ruskies in a certian way. Henningsen often has guests with funny names and he is clearly pro-Russian and a Russianfile.
Henningsen says that most people are idiots and are so caught up in this narrative and mixing it with partisan politics creates a dangerous mix and continuance of the cold war which according to Henningsen is the ultimate fake war.The representation of these clowns form Russia was total propaganda and is how many people came to define life in Russia in the eighties and then its surrounding republics with Borat later on and tried to put an image that all these people are nuts.

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