Sham Sam Harris and globalist Israeli Noah Harari believe in a Chinese style of points based system for citizen voting

Clifford Gifford
   Make no mistake neuroscience Sam Harris is a globalist one disdaining of democracy because he is upset it gave America a candidate her personally does not agre with or like in Donald Trump. Mr Harris hosts a debacle of conversation called the Waking Up Podcast and he had fellow globalist chump named Noah Harari who in describing his opposition to Universal Basic Income believes American workers money needs to be redistributed as basic income to all peoples of the world and not just fellow Americans.
These shits are globalists and a half and both pretty much explored the need to perfect the voting process and having established knowledgeable people to vote and both seemed like they would support a Chinese-style surveillance points system and basically these guys believe only those with money and proven successful in business should be trusted in leadership political positions. Harari kept making the dumb notion one would wish for a perfect pilot  or doctor and the belief in meritocracy and the continually diminishing of real workers and all people is something these two seem to advocate and empower more those in dominate  positions in finance and capitalism monopolist of global economies. Harari also says because in a thousand years the state and nation will not exist including his own of Israel that we should just get r
rid of borders and states now and let the global plutocracy rule now. Harari doesn't want Universal Basic income to be limited to countries and wishes for American and western tax system to support the eight member average family in Bangladesh and Myanmar and so forth so brow people can afford to out breed white people and not suffer famine. Harari says that technology and research doesn't belong to one nation and hopes and has promise that if people can be drawn to loyalty to nation and to strangers in a nation then there is nothing prevent to get people into having loyalty and loive for eight billion people and overbreeders from Albania to Zambia. Harari wishes for globalism to replace nationalism and where all the worlds top one percent has access to more riches and power in all places and not jsut to native country

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