Warner Saunder's is dead and gets Right Bulled

Arthur "King" Eason
 Warner Saunders was a classic career corrupt newsman and former street activist rewarded for his activism. Old Warner Saunders pushed progressive  politics and always was a dirty scoundrel that pushed fake news for decades and pretty much an established member of the local mainstream media and often pushed a liberal agenda in his newscasts and special
. The mainstream news and television media have paid this clown many tributes and called him a towering figure in Chicago television news, but in reality this shit head is much like Dick Kay and a rotten bastard member of progressive politics that put themselves sin dominating roles on local broadcasts and with an continually agenda. Journalism has declined at all levels but especially in the local levels with degenerates like Warner Saunders and Dick Kay in prominent roles and one can only hope more sooner than later that a Kay Dickhead will join Warner Saunders in broadcast journalism hell. This guy and hos condescending liberal attitude and perspective in presenting manipulated news was deserving not of twenty emmys trophy's to go along with his trophy  wife but instead deserving of twenty or more punches in the nose.
Warner Saunders made a high level income for reading propaganda and he had a Asian Jap hot wife to show for it as he was another member of a black man money class that actively seeks out partners not black as him. Saunders is often applauded for his charity and organizational work but given the bureaucratic and often fakeness of the charities going into providing jobs for friends few can say this guys work actually accomplished much his community and this guy didn't live anywhere near where black people were the majority. The media landscape paves the way for saps like Warner Saunders and their political biasness and no accolades should be presented for this guy and his legacy that lasted as long as Warner Saunders did in Chicago's fake news media. Warner Saunders is dead at the age of 79.

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