Left wing professor at Central Illinois University and right-wing terrorist from Bannastan Zakar naik have both blasted the Saudi monarchy following the tragic death of journalist fake news writer Jamal Koshaggi the boggie. Jamal Nassar said this is another example of American meddling into the affairs of the Middle East and their axis of evil alliance with the House of Saud will eventually collapse each leadership has done with the devil. Pakistan activist Zakir Naik is a pro-sharia pushing speaker and a YouTube rock star of all tubgs Islam and he has called for the imprisonment of Saudi King Mohammed Bin Salman and his entire family. Zakir Naik says now is the time for Muslims around the world to rally behind the over throw of the kingdom as the current Saudi royal leader is doing to much to undermine traditional Islam and trying to enforce brutal change upon the Muslim world. Dr Nassar and Zakir Nail wish to see Saudi Arabia overthrown much like Iran and the Shah were and wish to see Saudi Arabia replaced with a land hostile to America.

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