Jeannette Beranger knows her chicken breeds speaks on chicken theives, and how to avoid cheap Chinese chicken

Herbert Gilbert
  Jeanette Beranger has hatched a lot of eggs being a rural redneck farm livestock raiser. this is a woman that knows her chicken breeds and how to appropriately raise the best dam chick that a colonel sanders never got to see.  Jeanette is
Image result for Jeannette Berangerresearch and technical programs manager for The Livestock Conservancy, a non-profit dedicated to preserving and promoting heritage livestock and poultry breeds. “We are just finishing up a poultry census for the U.S., and there are a good number of rare breeds on the rise,” she tell Left Shark. We discussed the chicken thieves in England where there is an epidemic of theft at chicken and poultry shows, most likely from bored teenagers with no clowns to tip and wondering why the fuck adults are into handing out awards for people who bred and prized chickens and Roosters. The theft of chickens and roosters in these poultry shows concerns this blog and we hope there is a practical solution to this. That said, Beranger has only seen “occasional thefts” at some of the poultry shows she’s attended here in the States. “For more common chickens, they are probably stolen to be eaten .This is a woman who looks like she has eaten plenty of chicken in her life not to mention beef and pork as well. . Image result for Jeannette BerangerMany Chinese kitchen eateries have been traced as the source of the chicken thefts in America and Britain from outlets that were shortchanged by suppliers in China. Some of our local poultry keepers have had this happen fairly often with their chickens, ducks, and turkeys,” she says. Ms Beranger also breeds horses but with the destruction of Native American tribes out west through the decades horse thieving is no longer a problem and much to worry about for the breeders.  Jeaneete Beranger is a naturalist naturist one should know and she knows her chickens . 

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