Mark dice observes Larry King is old and should retire

  Carlson Tucker
    Mark Dice is a Youtube host and major impact player on-line and he recently mocked Larry King an da recent appearance where Mr King bashed CNN news. Dice said that Larry King heled start the fake new sand journalism that he is now decreeing because they fired him years ago and he is now making peanuts no longer able to purchase a wife half his age. Larry King once hosted a nightly interview show where  he hobnobbed with celebrities and asked softball questions but the day of this geriatric bastard and jackass libtard Larry King being a major force and media pundit are long gone. I reckon that Larry is upset and wishes he can be leading the resistance against Trump and Mark Dice did agree with every criticism Larry King told RT network that is wrong with CNN.
Even old Larry said that CNN is total fabrication fake bias news and their main agenda and goals are political in nature and they begin each day in talking and finding out ways they can discredit the president. Larry though saved some shots for Donald Trump before his time talking on Russian network was over and said he really figures that Donald Trump wants to be t be a total dictator and call all of the shots. Mark Dice reiterated that Larry King needs to do some community serice and is like a hundred year sold and should retire form the sunset as his brian is smashed potatoes and whatever he makes mouth these days is of no sense and of total ridicule.

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