Rick Telander is a sports columnist in Chicago that loves traditional American games and hates the creeping foreign sports like Rugby and Australian Rule football and the North Melbourne Kangaroos of which he has never covered in his sports columns here in the states. A Telander is not sports expert but a journalist elite who only knows and covers American sports and gets paid to high to do it and usually does it not very swell as well.
He recently write a piece of certain player who had eyes gouge out and lost spleens in this barbaric game as he thinks and figures yet compared to the National Football league there are less massive collisions and injuries as a total. Telander wondered why this sport doesn't have the same exact gear NFL ballers have on and he thinks it is neurotic and eccentric that Rugby has not followed in the same evolutionary path as the NFL in expensive gear and wear.
Telander also didn't give the mainly indigenous New Zealand Blacks enough respect of the history of the sport as mainly a sport derived form traditional Polynesian roughhousing between rival tribes and much like La cross this is a traditional Native indigenous sport and for Rick Telander to write and insist how dangerous these two rugby sports are pretty much shows his bias and attitude towards these these sports that are not American and not legitimate as a result in his disturbing article and critique of these sports. Telander had to search and find two extreme cases of player injuries in his quest to illustrate that this sport is barbaric when compared to American Collision ball it is not even near so or as much and any declaration of it being so is more sports media fake news. New Zeeland came and ripped the United State sin a brutal contest and because the US cant compete efficiently in this sport is why the Rick Telander's, Rick Reilly's and ahhh Rick Morrissey's are so quick to dismiss Auusie football,Rugby, and soccer.

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