Aaron Hall signs with North Melbourne and looks forward to doing many commercials for State Farm Insurance

  Guy Baldwin
  The North Melbourne Kangaroos have infiltrated other teams and signed a huge free agent as Aron Hall signs for 150 million dollars leaving the rival Gold Coast Suns as he was a Kangaroo killer often embarrassing the Kangaroos in action. The North Melbourne Kangaroos are to the AFl to what the New York Yankees are in Major League Baseball and can raid and sign any player with impunity. Aaron Hall is the Aaron Rogers of the Australian Rules Football League, a sport that takes a hundred times more athleticism to achi8eve play at a high level as they have players who run and kick for fifty minutes of non-stop action and not any players reserved for field goals and play for about a combined twenty seconds throughout the game like the NFL does.
Aaron Hall likes decided to leave the Gold Coast Suns and reach for a new hot market where he can get endorsement deals and his Aaron name out there much more and the North Melbourne Kangaroos are now favorite to ahhhh win 2019 and taker home the Crown Cup or ahhh the Braun trophy with the addition of this incredible and awesome athlete that can catch a ball on a twenty mile per hour trot. Aaron Hall is a man on th ego and is faster than a horse and stronger than a bull and will likely helped North Melbourne turn their fortunes around and once again dominate the only league that plays this kick,pass, and run game

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