Asian globalist Sundar Pichai has a congressional meeting looking into the dishonesty and bias of Google

Zachary Zuckerberg
   Google is a monopolist as I remember when the internet came out there were some two dozen high quality search engines that were not political bias and slanted like this global corporate big business company is today. I rarely used this awful search engine and instead enjoyed using Webcrawler and others few of whom survive today as the internationalists wished to concentrate and focus their propaganda and power through one outlet for the masses to get their information. with this in mind I am surprised it took so long for a congressional investigation and for this nation to put Indian google executive "fake immigrant and American" Sundar Pichai on the hot seat asking this fuck tons of questions about Google and its role for spreading bias and fake news slanted to attack the presidency of Donald Trump and American democratic institutions to begin with through it monopolist power though nth internet.
Big American tech moves to weak government areas in Asia and welcomed these brown and yellow people into their organization because they are monopolists and hate the power of government to put assholes like Sunday Sundar and Mark Zuckerberg on a hot seat  and my brother Mark Zuckerberg told me this and is why he worked so hard to be a China man marrying into that system and nothing accounts for the rise in Asia-American wealth and ownership of Seattle and San Francisco as much as this rotten anti-American industry that needs to be broken up and deported back to the Bay of Bengal and South China seas. Sundar doesn't realize but this is America and the court systems will go after companies no matter how big they are if it is proven they are dishonest and work hard against free speech and freedom of expression and Sundar and other globalists will learn this is not Britain and Londonstan and we have a court system which will handle men such as he despite what the liberals lie about criminal justice system being fixed and broken because black violent criminals are charged more often as they are more commonly violent and criminals. Sundar and the plutocrats who are mainly progressive only want freedom of speech to be a  one way street for themselves whether in life or on-line and this is why eventually the brown fuck will be prosecuted and business people like him need to have their business confiscated as they worked to turn California back to Mexico.
The monopoly man himself appeared to show financial and token support for Sundar as every American and global monopolist knows their only success comes form their connection to monopoly money and not entrepreneurship or brilliant ideas.  It was a bad Sunday for Sundar as this Indian technocrat globalist finally had to answer for the use of Google in demeaning America and working hard for a brown racist takeover of the industrial West Googles rise has coincided with massive health care spending g by US tax payers that primarily benefits elites form Indiastan and other Asian countries whose parents easily have the money to purchase degrees and these opportunities for their kin as well as more and more tech necessity spending that again imports workers from overseas instead of providing real Americans with jobs form American companies in America.
Shit when I was a teen or young adult you had all these trend forecasting of the rise of computer related jobs that these scam schools set up everywhere but never said American companies would primarily bring their own people form the Indian Pakistan subcontinent. This brown windbag Subndar had to answer questions to as why his company is breaching the security of its users and selling data parts ot third parties and what exactly do they need to spend and collect all this data from its users.Like many urban global pansies metrosexuals Sunday appeared in Washington with a nightly ties down scarf looking like the pansy urban prick he is and many men dress in downtown across America Google was also called out for manipulating search engine results to push their liberal lefties agenda and its role in dividing America politically and geographically was also questioned with mumble and jumble as answer  form this shit head.
These congressional hearings are good to expose to America who is really running all of these silicon valley companies and the power of the Muslim Paki and  Indian globalist in attempting to curtail the freedoms and democracy of this nation. Google like most internet companies as Huffington Post and Yahoo are ageist in their hiring and hate conservative opinion and talk and one needs just look at the news provided by these internet global companies and see the egregious propaganda and political and cultural bias brainwashing t he youth by this company with such animosity towards conservative value and thought in America , and pushing agendas such as open borders migration of peons and  the racist Black Lives Matter anti-cop bullshit that leftist scum are good for. Google hates competition and used its  monopoly power and freebies form internationalist investors to purchase competitors does Facebook as this was a favorite tactic of my brothers Mark playbook for Facebook.  .The end is coming n for this ugly Indian as eventually prosecution and imprisonment may be headed his way for the actions of Google in undermining  American institutions and the political system as Sundar is a corrupt fuck worked hard to get the foreign political party of massive money known as the Democrats into power and use of foreign money to achieve this will be this fuckers downfall.

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