Developers like Helen Lee wish to redevelop all of America and Malls and have them look like South Korea and China

    Wally Jackson 

Helen Lee of The F & T group that her family owns shows the growing power of South Korea and the amount of spending they do to take over and transition areas into more expensive and exclusive urban places. Helen has been working in he crony connected families ventures transpiring malls into Asian places and now she is redeveloping the food court expanding a Flushing, New York mall into more Asian themed eatery. Helen Lee and internationalist investors seek to segregate America and Asians into a market dependent on their imports and food and even simple noodles and dumpling places are not welcomed into the food court. Without South Korean money and her family's connections this women wouldn't be re branding a food court and not allowing access of American food and culture to be shared and enjoyed.
The massive amount t of restaurant expansion and luxury force these internationalist s like the Taiwan-born Helen Lee are forcing on retail and malls is part of the problem with globalization and nothing smells of invasion and complete take over of American culture than wicked women like her and the nefarious ploy t of luxury take over through eateries by out "South Korean" allies smacks nothing more of their typical Korean jingoism and cultural supremacy. Helen Lee wishes to ship food fish heads form China and make them available to the growing colonizers in America where Chinese shippers  get rich form this wasteful fossil fuel burning and just one look at the pictures of this Flushing Mall that Helen Lee is refurbishing its food courts to be expensive and all Asian shows the willingness of Asians to segregate in their preference to live and have America look like Asia.
They even wish to take over and change most of Fluhing's Chinatown. Pundits say politics is what is gerrymandering American political order but in reality  is developers like Helen Lee who take over a mall or area and they=n are choosy only allowing similar ethnicity to rent and have a spot in a vacancy and it should not be surprising this woman and her family has a cocktail restaurant and is working with Hyatt Hotels. Asians are more and more self-segregating and using their foreign over seas cousins to help drive up costs and force natives ot flee as they take over areas such as Flushing and elsewhere because of this crooked globalist agenda that hates Western and answer is a new form of reverse colonialism now coming form Asian powers such as China and including South Korea. This woman is trying to bring a Korean theater chain that would just show Korean movies and the resistance to women like Helen Lee to assimilation is unbelievable and a total national security and economic threat to this nation. There are ample reason for tariffs to be applied against South Korea and the ending of the practice of Korean take over and more than enough restaurants being built for this one small ethnic group of people more and more using their economic power to divide citizens and self-separate and not assimilate

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