Aaron Luther
Animal stories
Russian bot trolls or fat left weirdos brutally attacked a man through social media after a posting of himself and pictures of a mauling he had taken while hunting in Idaho's beautiful North Woods. Bob Legasa is some local Yoke form rural backwaters of backward Idaho and was bow hunting animals when a Grizzly named Mariel that attacked and mauled his face into a chopped mess. Few in rural Idaho noticed Bob Legasa being any more fucked in the fa e as he bragged about surviving an attack from an 1800 pound Grizzly . The arrogant Idaho hick even had the audacity to approach,film, and harass the behemoth beast even though he knew it was not Bear hunting season

. The Bear ,mauled the shit out of his arm he useds to bow-hnt animals form really far away and beat the shit out of this fuck face almost to the brink. Bob was trying to make himself some local and national hero as his friends and team went out through social media to promote this neurotic and eccentric dick head and they were totally unprepared for the venomous a

attack he faced form Leftists,Russian bots,vegans, Indian activists, animal rights advocates,anti-hunting groups, an d so forth bashing this shit head and telling him they wished the Center Bear had succeeded and finished the job. Legasa couldn't believe the treatment he was receiving for defending himself and fighting back against this teddy Bear and many in Idaho figure the on-line campaign was directed by trolls with various political ambitions and hatred for hunters rights.

This guy is a fuck face hunter form hell and those who take pleasure in killing animals should run risk of these deadly encounters as big beasts like this Bear turn the tables of shit heads like this Idaho potato-brain. It is hunters attacking animals and big Bears which make these creatures hate humans in all forms seeing them as potential dangers even those just seeking berry picking or sightseeing. This guy is only a hero to his immediate family members but for most this guy is a creep,stupider than a clown, and more ruthless than a Somalia pirate. Bob is looking forward rehabilitating and returning to the woods where he will troll back at the bastards who have made his social media life miserable and hell. He will hunt a bear and post many pictures on Facebook of his kill and pose with himself. You watch and see.
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