Gaby Maimon is the latest Howard Hughes Institute scam receiving a huge endowment to study fruit flies

 Russ Russo
    In our never ending quest to bash the Howard Hughes Medical Institute of Charlatans and Private donors freebies hoarding money form private interests away form workers. Gaby Maimon will receive massive amounts of money so he can operate his laboratory and the bullshit this guy says we can learn form the money and his research is a great mystery and shame Maimon will lie and claim that an understanding of how the human brain works and the electric signals and molecules work together is something he can learn form studying fruit flies.
Maimon has developed technologies he claims could...could lead to a sort of understanding through the study of fruit fly brains as apparently he has difficulty doing this in studying monkey brains. Dude s like Gabby probably stopped studying monkeys because it got expensive to hold monkeys and nothing is cheaper than the smallest fly known to mankind.
This guys brain is mashed potatoes if he thinks he can accomplish anything form this money except living a good life like the Miller High Life guy and lay claim that he is some legitimate neuroscienceist  when in fact he is another ass with a degree and involved in the a snake oil business rigging fake claims and living off the backs of fruit flies.  He had difficulty identifying detail cellular mechanisms and he thinks he will somehow find more understanding of the reasons human beings brains become popcorn by studying a fucking small fly that eats fruits. Gaby works hard to secure funding with big wig wealthy donors than actual science work trying to learn of transmitters in the brain by pricking the heads of flies.
The bullshit of the science research and funding of it is something that is somehow taboo in our society and basically this guy had s good steady work through private wealthy people who would rather distribute money this way than to empower their workers. Gaby Maimon will have a nice steady work pretending to study fruits and flies and how their brain relates to the smell of ahhh fresh pineapple. I am sure Gaby is smart enough to realize that human neural circuits are much more complex than fruits and flies and basically this guy helps the manufactures who make machines that hold down a little defenseless fruit fly and pretend to record the response when it smells everything form Oranges to human feces and then Gaby marks something down in his journal that nobody can understand the observation and claim.
Nothing is ever proven by these labs and all they do is get money and earn a job for themselves just making unproven claims and announce they are unclear how something works despite the massive amount of money rich people divert their way to benefit both parties somehow,  Gaby Maimon just hopes to study until retirement and have special instruments purchased for his cronies without ever answering the mysteries how fruit flies quantitatively transverse their surroundings and make fake news claims of their behavior patterns being similar and understood. The Fruit fly lab funding is the equivalent of the snake oil health juice and serves as a tax dodging contribution money distribution network through donations and charity and institutes like the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the laboratory industrial complex

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