Jake " Snake " Roberts appears on Joe Rogan's podcast and blasts Andre the Giant one stinky large asshole

Dave Berkson

  The bald Joe Rogan had pro wrestling legend Jake Roberts on his award-winning podcast and they discussed his career and other famous wrestlers and encounters and Jake Roberts had alot to say. Jake Roberts talked of the numerous injuries he had as a "fake fighter" in the ring which he often carried a python into the match as part of his Schick. Jake Roberts had the perfect health care plan as basically fans bought his health care , his teeth, paid for his shoulder surgeries, and others paid for implanting new teeth into his mouth. I gue
ss if one needs health care to be free and bought and paid for one needs to be a beloved former WWF professional wrestler and Jake "snake" Roberts sounds like  a guy who never had to pay a dime of his own money  to doctor in his post wrestling career. Jake Roberts also wondered how a MMA fighter like Joe Rogan didn't lose more teeth or need more root canals and in his answer Mr Rogan proved to me what bullshit scam the new cage fighter staged events are as many MMA fighting looks faker that pro wrestling in the eighties when I watched it in its heyday. Rogan made some vague claim that UFC fighters move around alot an don't get struck and hit much thus explaining why phony baloney wrestlers suffer more head,body, and teeth injuries. Pro Wrestling was watched because it had cooler gimmicks and cool characters compared to that bullshit of chicken wire fighting loved by stupid millennial of today and Rogan brought upon the fear factor of Roberts dropping a cobra on Randy Macho Savage and the impact it had on Americas youth at the time. Roberts also discussed how nasty Andre the Giant was as he would drink a hundred beers and not piss but take shits in hotel showers as his ars was too big for the toilet seats. Roberts claimed Andrew destroyed his hair and that years later he was able to get 30,000 dollars donated to him so he can have new hair plants plugged  in and how Andre the Giant loved farting during matches and would sit on fuckers to do this as few people realized what a sick fat fuck and over-eater human disgrace the Giant was in a pone man solo human wasteful resource hoarder

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