Liberals enjoy the war on Christmas and Christians Muslim scum migrants like Cheriff Chakatt bring to Paris

Clark Kramer
   The war on Christmas has always too place culturally but in Europe it has taken a deadly tolls s Muslim radicals quite literally are taking the war against  Christmas and Christians to the heartland of Christendom. As vest protests continue in Paris another Muslim terrorist attacked occurred in Paris and the outdoor Christmas mart was again attacked by the filth and scum allowed into Europe form corrupt European Union leaders wiling for their citizens to be sacrificed in the name of Islam. A crazed Islamist gunman killed three people and injured scores more as he shot at a crowd celebrating the birth of Christ and basically we see now the evils of the liberal left and what draws their inspiration in allowing so many dirty dog Muslims into their countries and the attack seen in Paris by a terrorist named Cheriff Chakatt .
The Strasbourg shooting is what lies ahead for Europeans as their leaders and leftists wish to see more Christmas attacks at open-air markets such as in Strasbourg as they want Muslims to wage a war on Christmas and Christians in general in and allowing open borders and easy access to lifetime criminals from the Islamic world is something the liberal Euro-trash left relishes in its war on Christmas as they hate the idea of Christians celebrating Christ and doing so outdoors in public in these Christmas Markets that must absolutely drive them bonkers. This man was a ISIS supporting piece of shit who should of been arrested and deported if not just plain executed and allowing him availability and access to Europe is part of the plan and the liberal war on Christmas.

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