Meng Wanzhou arrested and extradited causing uproar in Chinese community state media and brothel industry

Eric Ericson
 Some big shot female billionaire is arrested in Canada and the Chinese one-party authoritarian state is flipping oiut over the international treatment of one of their chosen people as Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou is busted. This woman was doing something illegally and the United States Justice department asked Canadian authorities to arrest her as the arrogant Chinese bitch was both running Chines massage parlors in North America and attempting to sell American-made components to Iran and sell corporate business secrets as the Chinese do steal and have the best talent.
 Meng Wanzhou likely was one of these super crazy rich Asians that Forbes and Fortune magazine wrote some years back so proud and happy to see Americas wealth be transferred overseas and allowing this dictatorship and their cronies to steal our secrets and build up their economies and infrastructure and  a military to threaten the democracies of the Asian seas . Mother China is making a big stink and international incident because this woman is a connected crony to the communist state and think they are not under the jurisdiction of other state when their nationals come here and sell trade secrets to Americas enemies and open up sex shops and prostitution apartment fronts. Senator Mark Warner and others have long declared this phone company form Chinastan to be a top national security and their attempts to work with the Chinese state to spy and investigate non-chines globally as the Chinese locust swarm around the world and buy up land and settle their business and people form Africa to Albania. China is right to worry and think we are preventing the global expansion of Huwaie and for their practices and nefarious goals this is a good thing and this crooked bitch needs to be locked up for some time and turn learn that luxury and espionage through new technologies does not pay off in the West. It wouldnt play in Russia and the Putin administration and it should not play in Canada or America. 

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