Sir Richard Branson excited he has officially launched a astronaut but he and his ideas still proves a waste and he is a space cadet

Casey Kelso
   Billionaire plutocrats like Jeff Branson wish to hoard money and spend it on projects to get their brand more air time instead of helping society and they often lay the claim of fake news that their space spending and research rocket boy launches will help society. The owner of Virgin Atlantic is really excited these days as he launched two jokers some 80 kilometers into the air and somehow this is an accomplishment and something we all should praise the silly bastard and give him smile instead of grief for this waste he does of money earned form the backs of others and then taken for himself and his own adventures that in the long run accomplish nothing.
The space race industrial complex does nothing but makes a few more engineers wealthy and Virgin Atlantic has used government to help itself prosper and monopolize air travel and power form this into massive profits that this British billionaire egregiously and selfishly use for his own self-interests.
King Richard Branson is a scruffy fuck who is trying hard to divert money form the workers of Virgin Atlantic and make them work more hours for less money so he can be the first to offer space tourism to fellow plutocrats who can do whatever they desire in space and clearly a fifty mile high group with 12 year old virgins may be the ultimate end goal and long desire for even setting up Virgin Atlantic. The kleptocrats like Jeff Branson think they can do and accomplish anything they desire. Branson is a total space cadet and the millions wasted in these rocket launches are meant to give other space launching industries the money of his company leading to massive global warming as jet fuel is spread out into the stratosphere and the growth of space tourism and the further degradation of Earths atmosphere is something Branson will not let get in the way so some wealthy billionaires can look down upon the planet for a few minutes of orbit.

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