Martin Manziel
Dream Money

Stephan Colbert is some foreign-funded retarded bastard with an unfunny and stupid late night propaganda program,. When I was a kid late night television wasn't bought political talk that Colbert's shit has become and actually was a celebrity and music talk and promotion. fast forward to 2018 and Stephan Colbert and other late night programming has become a platform to keep economic domination and rule from a few cities that get investor money form overseas and this explains why their economy is better and more debt allowed in blue cities and states than red ones in America and government programs expanded to please the peons and Negroes in poverty living in this islands. For Stephan Colbert, Bill Maher, Trevor Noah, Jimmy Fallon, and Jimmy Kimmel getting dream money form the foreign exchange banks wishing to continue the bamboozlment of our economy through free trade is a justifiable goal to empower the yellow and browns around the world. Colbert talks with fork tongue and fried brain thinking somehow mentioning political-related investigations and accusations must prove something and the amount of fake shit Colbert reads and brings out of his ass is deserving of an investigation of his purposes of talk show obsession with undermining and lying about the American president. This dream job is bought and provided by outside dark money fighting against changing the status quo and giving preferences to an import based economy for America where 90% of profits go to foreigners.Why Colbert is not in that prison in Guantanamo or new create ones in Alaska is beyond comprehension but we still say his battle against a protective wall will eventually have this jerk surrounded by prison walls in Yukon or Alaska.
Blacks and browns are eternal migratory species with little value or love of nation and wish to live in areas where work can be avoided for survival and the theft of this nation by cities where a Stephan Colbert live and reside is basically the motivation that a Stephan Colbert strive.

Colbert is a fuck face like no other and his recent attack about Trump's double talk and change of shutting down the government to prevent more welfare recipients to enter the country and push this country into bankruptcy. Colbert receives dream money and supports the installment of global rule by the open borders advocates wishing to erase countries and allowing plutocratic families to move about the world and rule with an iron fist. Colbert is a shit face who thinks the cold war should exist between Americans and the biggest fear he has is more of a voice in the countryside and empowerment of people outside the meddling and influence of foreign invaders that a prick like him prefers to see exploit this country he is such a hack rat bastard
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