Stoopid Buddy studios brings stupid clay action and rides on massive debt for the cartoon network

 Arnold Buckley
       John Harvatine IV, Matthew Senreich and Eric Tower and Seth Green have brought about stupidity television with stop animation and are just the latest example of cable television run amok with stupidity that their Stoopid buddy studios brings about. Now they seem to be rewarded with full-length film actions and basically all these guys do is write bad scripts and stop animation madness. The cartoon network has been airing these creeps works for some years in something called Robot Chicken declaring it  a hit and a ratings bonanza although there really is no way to actually record and determine ratings and just the judgment of the networks wishing to put their friends in high places is basically the reasoning why garbage like Robot Chicken and Stoopid Buddy studios exist. These four guys have no talent and play with cameras and dolls and use their influence to market and air this crap programming that in all reality few watch on a regular basis. 
  These four guys are stupider than a brick and just  a few seconds of the crap that this cable channel shows with their programming reveals this. As far as the finances of Stoopid studios Mathew Senreich will not reveal this in interviews with Entertainment Magazine of Forbes so there is something fishy and clearly these guys and their junk cartooning is in massive debt and lives on debt playing with old toys and hardly really working in life and putting out material that should never been aired no matter if there was an infinity number of cable programming.
Stoopid studios is likely getting their allowances from foreigners with connections to Central banks wishing to install future writers to be hired by this studio for easy cushy jobs for relatives and their crummy company  also is a outlet to pay for licensed materials and characters of the past further enriching others that already made some fortune form past lame work in comic and cartoon parody. The stop and clay animation and parody by these four fools is not original nor entertaining and many of these shoots cost a thousand or more dollars a second and one has to wonder how profitable and purposeful it is to have Robot Chicken and other dumb projects by Stoopid studios puts out for a cartoon network few would purchase or chose if given a choice of cable packages and channels. Nobody would pick and pay for either Robot Chicken or the cartoon network

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