Texas executes racist black rapist killer while North Carolina will in 25 years as black man arrested in Hania Aguilars murder

   Wally Jackson
  Blacks so disproportionate rape and just kill people this fact is often suppressed by the dominate left wing media not wanting Americans to realize the dangers posed by this disgruntled minority and possibility of death awaits them with encounters with them Texas is not New York and will execute a black sin of a bitch who twenty five years ago attacked a white couple walking on a trail killing the husband and taking the wife not killing her because of a gun malfunction.  Alvin Brazile would of been lynched shortly after prosecution but the lawyer scam industry complex wishes to pro long executions of wicked black killers to profit handsomely for the selves.
Alvin Braziel is one of many black demons that American society tolerated and whether this toleration continues is questionable and the numb  rofg white martyrs brutally slaughters such as Douglas White, a man who was just ten days into his marriage and had the horrific ending of seeing this scumbag attack his wife before pulling a gun onto him as the couple walked a trail in Mesquite, Texas. Blacks have slaughters white people from the end of slavery and the illusion that whites were the oppressors is the lie and crime of the century when in fact more whites have been killed by blacks that other way around since the unfortunate bringing of this race onto plantations four hundred years ago. What is a double injustice with all these black on white crimes is how long it takes and the costs this Nation endures feeding and keeping savages like this Alvin Brazil are allowed to live in prison instead of hanging up in a tree in the same year as the murder  rof their victims. In more black male crimes a 13 year old Latino girl has been murdered by another  black sexual predator named Michael Ray McClellan in Lumberton, North Carolina who kidnapped and brutally raped and beat to death a 13 year old girl Hania Aguilar and like Braziel he faces the death penalty that will not be applied until 25 year down the road thanks to liberal lawyers more concern din keeping the lives of black killers than allowing white relatives of their victims seeing these seeds and demons destroyed as they should be.
These two black dogs needed to be put down pronto and the ending of tax payer money to keep sick bastards like Alvin Brazile and child rapist Michael Ray McCellen alive should not be tolerated any longer. Alvin Braziel is a step closer in hell where he belongs as fortunately Texas has executed this black son of a bitch yesterday and Mr McCellen will soon be anothe rblack brutal murdered put on death row and liberals will say the death penalty is applied unfairly because black males do much more disproportional evil crimes

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