Illinois is full of crazed Democratic Party individuals so full of self-hate and revere racism and now one of them is seeking to replace Dick Durbin as apparently the senior senator in Illinois is not enough of a liberal ass bending kiss ass to the international global class. Illinois rep Anne Stava-Murray just got elected and now the uppitty crazed woman thinks she is qualified to be a US senator in Illinois and she came out swinging for her racial sensitive and identity constituents attacking her home town of Naperville as a bastion for White Supremacy, which is just ridiculous and typical of what a drug addicted and mentally disturbed Democratic politician would say..

Naperville is a diverse community of Whites,Indians, and Chinese and apparently this racist bitch is mad that there are not more poor people ion this town and many Illinois residents wish to prefer to live in a great suburb made up more of people who look like them instead of Chicago. This is the mind set of the psychotic Democratic candidate and instead of apologizing this crazed Democrat doubled down on her attacks on the residents of Naperville calling everyone who lives there a white supremacist because town leaders didn't initiate a welfare suburb like her beloved Oak Park, Illinois.
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