if one asks Oxford University whack job nutty professor David Jacobs alien abduction is a real phenomenon and explains many situations in the world. He along with another Chinese professor at Oxford are two of the misleading space cadets and fake news annalist out there on Earth and both men belong on Mars and should have a one way ticket to Antarctica University to do their fellowship. Dr David Jacobs is crazier than a train made up of all cabooses and he gets a fair amount of airtime for his lies,fiction, and stories of the real problem of all these people he claims are reporting they were abducted by extra terrestrials and forced to explain the movie ET to them.

on his popular YouTube channel how to identify one and he says more and more of these hybridization intergalactic species are arriving and becoming his students at the prestigious university of Oxford,which is one of the most excellent forms of higher education and not no New York School of Economics. I still say most of these people Dr Jacobs and his college talk too are opioid and meth addicts who have sen way too much television and too many geico the gecko commercials and they are confused with what is reality and not.
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