Famed English fuck face Andrew Harvey appeared recently on Gary Nulls amazing health and wellness cultural social critic podcast called the Gary Null show. Professor Andrew Harvey is a British professor who said there were be an environmental and economic collapse where seven billion people will die off.
Gary Null interrupted professor Harvey much and went on a rant about the ignorance of the oligarchs and how they poison the skies, taint the food, destroy the water and push inequality and insecurity. Gary Null went off on the elites and one percent and the snowflake culture that squashes critique they have established to promote an push deception and confusion. Professor Fuckface said the world is burning out of greed,ignorance, and craving and says the hunger to fill the emptiness and massive consumerism is seen by far too many as the solution to their emptiness and their habit and choices are having dire consequences for the planet.
Gary Null and professor fuck face says the government and Middle Class care about greed and making more money and not caring for their fellow citizen or the struggles of mass poverty around the world and increasingly within this own nation. Null blasted the professional class of doctors and lawyers wishing to live and spend like the top elites and push for more waste and money for themselves to attempt to live like the plutocrats with muscle beef lean meats and muscle car collections. Both Harvey and Null said this narcissism consumerism is doomed and will eventually be destroyed from within as the damage done to the climate has already been irreversible.

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