Kamala Haris goes to Oakland and is runnig for president in 2020

  Leanardo McGregor
  Kamela Harris is some far-left typical big government spending for minorities California politician and because of politicians like  and unable her California has become like Greece a state so full fo debt and unable to pay its bills it has been living off life support and the lives and back of worker sin red states across America. California is a foreign occupied part of North America long gone form direct federal government rule based out of Washington and now one of their favorite sons Kamala Harris thinks she can be elected president Kamala Harris isa  prosecuter who doesn't want any death penalties and she is  not qualified to be Oakland councilwoman yet alone mayor of Oakland and she stopped in Oakland to give her state of the state address and declare her challenge and candidacy for the presidency in 2020 as she wishes to run against Trump. Kamala Harris and political backers of the left have successfully intimidated and drove their politic la opponents out of the Bay area and the state of California and basically this method is something she can share with the rest of the country if elected president in 2020 and no one doubts she would change and go after the flag of the United States as she would go after the Confederate Flag.
Kamala Harris has about as much chance as Kamala the Ugandan Giant in becoming president and her policy can only be popular in areas that get their subsidies form big tech like San Francisco and the Bay area and Oakland is a high crime area of massive voter fraud as the fact that Donald Trump only garnering 4% of th evote cannot be possibly true without the aid of the power of Silicon valley and the tech secotr in creating ther eward these district political disparities and no amount of conformist self-movment and gerrymandering of peoples could make this possible. Kamala Harris and the Democrats in California have perfected voter fraud. Kamala Harris and the Harriettes have done such a great job of categorizing people based on skin color she is often refereed to the first dark-skinnned black distrot prosecutor of California.
Kamala Harris is good at serving the queer libweral base and raise money form bases of globalecnomy that reward these bases and infrasturture that works best to divide this nation and mark agendas that diofferentiate and made to do so. Kamal Harris was an awful prosecuter and jsut rose in the ranks of California politics because she was a really liught-skinned blackl woman and i would rather vote for the Uganfdan wrestler named Kamala than this distortion and pathetic gift form Califnrioina into the political scene.

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