Neil Steinberg and Rex Huppke lying about Trump and wall again

    Rex Reed Jr
 The Chicago Tribune has been wagering a political war against Donald Trump from day one and two of the most egregious columnists have been Rex Huppke and Neil Steinberg who are who lying globalists living in communities with borders of income wealth to the extreme. They do not want a wall to stop the onslaught of illegals from Mexico and wish to see a country if open borders and their hatred of Trumps tough negotiations Witt he Democrats often leads to massive lies from these two scumbag liberals writers of political bias and extreme.
Both Rex and Neil mentioned along with hours and of other liberals of Trump lying About the crisis and crime of illegals as somehow they keep mentioning higher crime rates of native born people,mainly blacks, over the crime statistics of illegals ignoring that,ugh crime by illegal Mexicans goes unreported and pretty ,much lying about Trump claims of crimes by illegals which are ugh and even if lower than a accumulated crimes of American Ron is no justification in allowing illegals to cross orders on their whims. In fact human trafficking is a crime and whether the liberals like Rex Huppke or Neil Steinberg count the crime  of drug smugglers Human sex traffickers and tax a orders is likely not done in the statistics Liberal often repeating his lie. Lie is basically what Neil Steiberg and Rex Hupkke do in their daily columns and all they do is attack Trump on order of the international owners of their publication.
Steinberg and Huppke are retarded advocates of he global status quo allowing elites who favor each other and give preferences to international elites from  country to country and they seek open borders and this is why they fear and loath president Trump as much as they do as Steinberg and Huppke are Jews wishing to help a small class of individuals form continuing to do well in society at the expense of the rest. liberals like these two pieces of shit will lie as much as they can and their only point is skewed crime rates as if illegals don't pose a threat because their high crime rates are lower than blacks.

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