Nik Kovak came aboard his award-losing podcast that has two hundred listeners in Milwaukee and he attacked president Trump with the same normal viciousness that he has done from day one Kovak was shocked that trump became president. Kovak went into a tirade how Trump is like most of these dead presidents unworthy of historical value ale ind he gleefully spoke of his role in helping to change a schools name in his neighborhood of Riverwest that he represents as an alderman in his spare time form his radio career.
The former Franklin Pierce school is becoming RiverWest School because liberal fucks like Kovak and the teachers at this elementary school thought it was inappropriate for a pro-slavery former president to have a school named after him and the revisionism and change all these psychotic public school members wish to change has no bounds and eventually George Washington and Abraham Lincoln will be included on a hit list as seen with this Milwaukee School district. Perhaps less funding for schools should occur if they are going to have teachers and administrators attack the country's heritage and history and liberals always dream of erasing all vestiges to a past they hate and this hatred was evident in the wicked elementary teachers of Ashley Michaels and Ellen Evans who along with the dick head Nik Kovak spearheaded this drive to erase all memories of Franklin Pierce.
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