Nut ball liberal Kyle Kulinski attacks Mark Levin for raising voice in speaking with passion against communists Bernie and Ocasio f

 Mitch Welch
    Kyle Kulinski and his three inches gets so hard up for Alexander Cortez Kenneddy that any criticism of this first term socialist Democratic communist angers him to a boiling point and Mr Kyle recently attacked Mark Levin. As with Kyle's attacks on Mark Steyn is is just ridiculous for this little-listened to no book ever published shit brain to bash the Mark Steyn or Mark Levins as he is jealous of their fame and fortunes as media annalists and authors and this is something Kule Kulsinksi knows he could never accomplish as he has a IQ of 75. Kyle Kulisnki is a weird fellow who gets his small cock hard and up to about three inches thinking from anything form a Bernie Sanders geriatric old school communist to an Alexandria Ocasio and todays South American invasive species socialists. Kulisnki shows no shame on taking shots at Steyn and Levin who probably outsell book sales of a dork like Kyle 100-0
Kulinski went off and knocked Mark Levins recent appearance on Sean Hannitty's program as Levin raised his voice while articulating and making a point something that fuck head Kyle does often on his awful YouTube propagandist Secular Talk radio program. Kyle  Kuslinski says the right is obsessed with Ocasio Cortez but it is the other way around as liberal progressives are obsessed and any criticism showing this digbats low fact checking and intelligence makes men like Kyle Kulinski feel personally responsible and needed to come to her defense. It is poignant  to bring up that Kyle Kulinski is a jag fag likely not having any sex with people who look like Alexander Ocasio Cortez but more likely in his youth did play for pay with homos that resembled Mark Levin and this may explain his hostility towards Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, and Glen Beck. So when he sees a
conservative host on FOX News Kyle makes mental note in his mushroomed brains and takes notes on future ten minute video clips that this jerk feels of some-self importance for ranting and getting his anger out in front of a mic and a camera thinking he is on equal footage with the Mark Levins, and Bill O"Reilly's of the media and hope he can attract the social justice Amazonian Cuban communistic warriors like Alexandria Cortez

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