Patrick Henningsen bashes lame politicians Alexandria Cortez-Ocasio , Mitt Romney, and Elizabeth Indian

    Clark Kramer
 Award winning alternative news broadcaster and podcast legend of so ethi called the Sunday Wire was on for another four hour podcast marathon last Sunday and he went after the mainstream media and its favored politicians. Henningsen bashed  Elizabeth Warren and her chugging a beer acting like she regular folk and says this leftist radical has little chance in 2020 and someone like her can on,h get  elected  In Massachusetts and she has the personality of either a frog or a toad.
Warren's politics are so out of the mainstream and basically all she does is attack rich people and bankers while promoting public social agenda policies that are more wasteful and destructive to the environment.
   Henningsen bashes Mitt Romney for reappearing and says this moneybag fiancé overlord will never give up his dream of the White House and bringing ,ore publicity and public love for his wife Ann. Mitt Romeny has a stable wife unlike most males in  America because he can basically write his own paycheck through Bain captalist hedge funds and this is the only reason he still has a Ann at his side.  Other  American males see partners leave them and divorces skyrocket and clearly this would happen to old bitch Mitch despite his good looks.
Patrick Henningsen acknowledge that Romney has looks and a following in a wacky shit religious cult state like Utah and because so he will always be a voice in politics. A voice though not because of the brilliance of Romney or his awesome infallible personality , but because of his ones and the money given to him by hedge funds and other investors trusting Mitt to be a classic bought powerful politician on par with the great and late John McCain. Mitch loves his bitch so much and works tirelessly to make Ann Romney a first lady and will spend all the money on Earth and Mars to get this objective in his life
  After bashing these two idiots Patrick eviscerated Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and her stupid policies and interview on sixty minutes. She was interviewed on sixty minutes and basically talked about taxing the rich at a ninety percent rate in order to force all auto,onions to become electric as she asks to destroy fossil fuel bases business that tend to be more conservative and donate more for conservative causes instead of liberal. Ocasio Cortez also seeks to destroy the white male power base and this racist goal is basically what is behind huckster unqualified bitch
 like her and Henningsen said this woman has the intelligence of a fruit fly. The importance of voting was expressed by the host of Sunday Wore as he pointed out that Alexandria Cortez is only in congress because of 16000 votes and that despite such a low voter total age the mainstream media highlights this nutball as so done of some political importance and movement.

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