Richard Heinberg is a alarmist and should be working for the fire department in Frankburg or perhaps Heinistein in Germany. Richard Heinberg is one of the most renown authors and fake climatologists and he gets paid well for being so negative and swell on the green technology movement where all of mankind will get clean reusebale energy from the sun,wind,water, and so forth. he and other make this claim although most facts insist it cannot be done without the aid of fossil fuel usage of some sort and basically what this green technology movement is about is giving control of a nations energy companies is through use of new companies and destruction of old ones and the internationalists and globalists owning it complete.
Heinberg spoke of the need for more carbon based products that will last longer in a recent interview with the radical environmental project and broadcast called Trumps decisions to promote and provide new subsidies for dirty energy and disaster,a disgrace, and a step back in the direction globalist agenda 21 activists demand form governments. Heinberg says that America got a decades worth of reprieve form the peak oil fiction he and other men often proclaim through the use of fracking and in reality there is so much oil in the Earths crust and planet one can have everyone drive 24/7 seven days a week at 55 miles per hour and in a thousand years there still will be oil to burn and use through use to power machines. Heinberg is a hack and wishes for mankind to go back to hunter and gather societies and has usual he attacked president Trump and said he is part of a growing authoritarian trend that dwindling energy resources and declining economies cause as he compared Trump to Putin, Duturte, Erdogan, Xi, and Jung Un,and Boloschino, and other right wing populists.

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