Much of the country despises seeing Tom Brady and the Boston Patriots year after year in the Super Bowl and last week Mr Brady and his owner Bob Kraft pulled another one and appearance in this rigged sport. The real eyes though will be if future streaker hall of famer Mark Roberts will make another run and appear at the globes most viewed sporting event. He once went on a football field and so agitated and disgusted an NFL player that when he was running around naked like an Indian a Washington Redskin player ran up and leveled his ass and went bammm on his bummer.
Mark Roberts claims to be a performance artist who has streaked butt naked at some five hundred sixty events and the Liverpool native as never seen or been part of a crowd where he didn't feel like for all to see his ugly naked body. Mark Roberts is man on the go and insane in the membrane with a brain made up of scrambled eggs thinking he is of some importance because at the lengths he will go to make de niro form streaking on grass in front of thousands and this man needs to be cuffed and stuffed and his nakedness need not be accepted. We advocate this clown to be deported and dropped off in the wilderness and in the middle of Siberia,Alaska, or the Yukon in the very same outfit he is so proud of and wishes everyone to see him.

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