Charles Herbster now investing in big Right Bulls and as if they were fine art to resell

Lionel Wagner
   The highest price barn auction of a bull or cow-like animal took place recently as Nebraska's only billionaire Charlews Herbster is thinking of new ways to invest and park his wealth to see it increase in the near future. He recently purchased a freak of a bull at an auction in rural boring North Dakota outbidding many others for a beefy Black Agnu bull named Monster. Monster was bought and purchased for some 1.51 million (not 1.5) and he was immediate revalued   at four million following the sale and Mr Herbster is thinking of incorporating their Right Bull and issuing stock and life insurance for this beast.
Already Charles Herbster's friend Donald Trump wishes to purchase a stiock and wants to rename this bull Trump but Herbster already has plans and has renamed Monster into his new moniker Herbie and will display this bull at theme parks, county fairs, sporting events, amusement parks, and luxury motel events. The New York business real estate mogul billionaire Mr Trump is also thinking of doing reality bull selling contest and investing some of his fortunes for future plans and increased wealth holdings and assets with purchases and eventually reselling of freaky big bulls that will never have to go to the meat market and can be used as an investing option. "Monster" or "Herbie" will never see the inside of a slaughterhouse and will not be gutted,sliced, diced, battered, cut, chopped,  gripped, or ripped part as mince meat as this is a Right Bull to valuable to be put on a dinner table serving beef pot roast dishes. For the mega billionaire businessmen like Chalres Herbster and Donald Trump a new investing option is available in the sale,trade, and fake valuazation of beef and animal muscle and top scientists are already getting grants to develop bulls and big beasts to genetically alter and be able to ride like a Harly Hogg or a Mustang convertible.

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