Dominic Frisby comes on Max Keiser's program and says Scotland should be independent and powerful like Lichtenstein

     Herbert Gilbert
   Dominick Frisby came on Max Keiser's podcast and defended bitcoin and talked the spread of inequality thanks to gangster banker mafia  domination. Frisby talked about Brexit and Scotland's role and somehow Mr Frisby thinks small nations can all become Switzerland as he says all of the small nations are wealthy nations ignoring Greece and Namibia. Scotland would be a wreck as an independent nation and no amount of oil it could put itself in debt to put out in the market would make Scotland a powerful country and only the United States being fraudulent taken care of
providing a protection racket of low-income oppressed White Southerners having no manufacture base in order to be forced to join the American military that effectively is a rent an army protection racket for European elites.
Keiser keeps talking about the US military fading and is proud of that and as a spokesmen of the Russian Today network Max Keiser loos forward to a day Russian expansion to the West can occur for the  Russian bear empire as easily as it spread our East taking out the khans ike a chess board and took over massive lands and Central Stans. This knucklehead not only thinks Scotland would be a prosperous nation outside of Great Britain that Londonstan and the city of London should be an independent entity and be ruled by a president Sadiq Khan because he thinks small countries are more efficient.
Banking and oil would be a key part Dominic says for these independent nations though this silly jackass ignores that these industries would be worthless to a large powerful nation that wanted to add a Scotland to its domains ahhhhh much like Mother Russia tried to do to Finland in 1939 and Saddam Hussein would of done in 1991 to a nation named Kuwait and it would still have been part o Iraq were it not for a large nation that decided to fight to retain its Independence and a American military empire that a dirty sleazeballs like a Dominic Frisby and Max Keiser so despise. These two fools would no doubt would be inscrutable in their ways of how a Scotland could defend itself from outside foes that may decide to take its oil resources for itself and it is doubtful they would be able to defend themselves from Norwegians or Swedes if times got tough and these Scandinavian countries didn't get subsidized by the Americans or its NATO partners. Max Keiser ended this interview telling his buddy Dominic he was convinced and was ready to go and move to Scotland. Given who he works for I wonder why  Max Keiser and his wonder woman don't move with Frisby and live and move to Russia with love.

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