True Crime podcast hicks Lorne and Michael recall Jerry Brudos serial killer and blame Hugh Heffner for his fetish killings

   Trevor Travis
    Jerry Brudos was a sick rural Oregon killer in th elate sixties and the true Crime pod-casters,  a something duo who podcast about these sick monsters who proliferated thanks to the spread of porn and the fake sexual revolution. Lorne and Michael love to make jokes and bash these sick disturbed serial killers and they yet know blows untouched on this sick fat bastard Jerry Brudos who lucky finally died rotting in prison for fifty years on the backs of tax payers  instead of being hung around his neck in 1969. These guys talked about the lead up of Brudos and his lowlife and how he eventually went from stealing women's shoes to killing and grabbing women but they didn't put much of the blame for Brudos passion in lingerie,shoes, and photography to the king of porn and the equally disturbed Hugh Heffner.
   The Heffner put women in magazines and ushered an era of the sexual sadist and serial killers with his product of Playboy and Heffner's legacy of this doesn't get enough credit influencing a generation of amateur photographers like Jerry Brudos and others. There is no accident that Brudo's crimes coincided with the rise and development of Playboy Magazine and eventually all the pother dark porn sick magazines into the mainstream.
The True Crime podcasters are cool and hearing their Southern drawl bash the shit out of these killers and low lifes is great and funny although it is a bit dark to make jokes and light given the tremendous amount of damage to loved ones and souls these monsters caused in their freedom on this planet.
Brudos was a dark bastard who should of been steam rolled by construction paving machinery for his crimes and the fact these demon was allowed to eat and breath for all these year sis one of the principle problems with our justice system and culture. Jerry Brudos is the poster child of why we need to watch and push back against this weird neurotic and eccentric transgender campaign  orchestrated by the radical left that hates society so much they wish for sick aspects to take over and disperse throughout.
  This fat ugly bozo bum was sicker than a superhero with no cape and basically this shit head became an early serial killer killing scores of young women in his obsession of photographing them with their panties and high heel shoes and this loser was also an early trans-gendered freak and why we should not have open all gender bathrooms as creepy crossdresing fucks like him would be lurking in all of the public bathroom stalls in women's bathrooms. make no mistake though Hugh Heffner of Playboy was also partially responsible for fueling the wet dreams and daytime thinking of clowns like Jerry Brudos who took their sick fantasies too far. Luckily industries like Playboy and printed porn material are dying off and much much less relevant or thought of and its sudden appearance may of pushed sick fucks like Brudos over the edge as he seemed to be older than most serial killers and tried to have a normal family life for a decade or so form his first bizarre attacks opn women before leading up to being a killer. 
 There is no doubt that if not financed and allowed to live like a king himself Hugh Heffner would of failed and without money and fame handed he would of  been a sick serial killer much like Jerry and Lorne and Michael would of been doing a podcast program on Hugh next week. Heffner is a sick bastard himself who is burning in hell and profited form sexually exploiting women taking nudies and pictures in print for whacked men of that generation entitled and demeaned ownership of women as property and men like Jerry Brudos were powder kegs of that era as dramatic violence and sex crimes  increased in the year following  the founding of Playboy and other more extreme hardcore material.

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