Dirt bag mayor of Chicago former hedge fund billionaire Rahm Emanuel ruled for eight years this city pushing a racial and gender supremacy based culture and agenda. The rule of corrupt mayors such as he are what lead up to the environment of entitlement as tax breaks were given for television production and setting the stage for filming of shit programs such as Empire" in Chicago and justified high salary living in new construction high rises and so forth etc etc.
YouTube rockstar radio host Jesse Lee Peterson lambasted this queer actors and wondered who hired him and whether it was to make president Trump look bad in the bought left-wing media and more excuse to smear Trump and his followers.
Jesse Lee Peterson says he thinks Rahm Emanuel's anger and disingenuous and laughble at the idea that this outgoing mayor would tell trump to go to a ballgame and bud out of the Jossie Smollett investigation. Actually as president Trump can call for further investigation and that he should not only as why Kimm Foxx dropped all charges but Trump should investigate Rahm Emanuel's role in setting up this entire hoax in the first place. Peterson says it straight informing that Blacks will do anything or say anything to make white people look bad because many are so fueled with hate form leftists and liberals like Rahm Emanuel and unfortunately so much of this hate is directed with the massive amount of brutal Black on White murders and mayhem. Rahm Emanuel says Chicago is anti-Trump country but perhaps he should examine more on how he can work in not making Chicago an anti-Truth city and his leadership and evil style and greed he has brought to the Windy City has much more to do with this hostile environment than shitty Emanule's assertions that put blame put on Trump
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