Professor Charles Lipson and Michale Munger pleased by arrest of campus leftist thug suppressing free speech

    Cecil Brewster
   A radical left-wing punk was captured on video phone punching and attacking a conservative student who was invited and spoke with president Trump at the APAC convention. Both Duke Professor Michale Munger and University of Chicago Political scien legend Charles Lipson have talked of the political repression from progressive snowflakes and unicorns on the nations campuses.The University of California/Berkely  invites and condones activist leftists thugs from both inside the student body and outside to come on campus and patrol and president Trump suggested to the conservative student activist sue the school for condoning and setting up an environment where such an event could occur.
Scumbag Zachary Greenberg was arrested and cuffed and stuffed facing major charges and his attack was only a tip of the ice berg to the daily  hate and harassment non-progressive students and professors face on these bastions of intolerance of views and expressions and one should not be surprised with the creeping influence of authoritarian Chinese and its foreign student body on these campuses why free speech and expression would be stymied by these dirty scoundrels.
  Conservative student Hayden Williams expressed to president Trump his desire to sue the pants out of this Jewish pig in addition to the univerity endowments and the president gave a stern warning to the presidents of college campuses that he would deliver an executive order for free speech and somewhere both professors Michael Munger and University of Chicago's Chalres Lipson will be pleased as they have spoken on this topic for years and decades now of the political repression that is witnessed on these college campuses on American soil.Both know it is not rainbows and unicorns to work and be in the surrounding of leftism authoritarianism and attack of anything that is free speech and Americanism at these colleges and universities.  I wouldn't be surprised if this Zachary Greenberg Jewish non-student was actually hired by Chinese or Mexican authorities to work and patrol the campus for signs of pro-Trump gatherings and recruitment and this nations university system needs major reform and back to the main initiative of education Americans and not being a cancer and a cell for foreign influence from our trade advantageous "allies" or actual international threats and rivals.

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