elon Musk and Tesla profit form tribute payments of car companies that can't make emissions standards

Martin Manziel
Dream Money
   Elon Musk makes dream money form silly electric cars and now somehow other car companies can get credits and score points from pairing up and pooling their car fleets with the likes of other manufactures and separate companies like Tesla. It seems Fiat Chrysler or other car companies are allowed to skip regulatory rules by pairing with those able to make cars that pass emissions standards which is insane and beats the whole process of having these emissions targets.
Chrysler Fiat is able to make and sell the polluting cars and offset the sales to the pollution demanding public wanting to by nasty climate killing vehicles because Fiat is allowed to skip EU carbon-dioxide emissions as Elon Musk and his Tesla received hundreds of millions of dollars to allow this skipping of regulations and fraud to go forward. The whole point of emissions standards is to force these car companies to produce cleaner cars but if they can pay tribute to son of a bitches like Elon Musk and help his Tesla scam grow then what is the point. Apparently the point of for a greedy fuck plutocrat like Elon Musk to make more dream money and more cult worship of this goofy dow clown can proceed with the sorry excuse that is the business publishing media. Why is Elon Musk and Tesla along with other car companies producing vehicles that pass emissions standards allowed to pool their fleets with those that cannot make it thus allowing exemptions for shit exhaust coughing car companies that is this Fiat-Chrysler bullshit company.This is the same desperate globalist hustlers Chrysler  and Fiat joint venture failed car companies that lied about their diesel trucks and SUVs and had to pay a huge price for their fraudulent testing and temperate valve shit downs during emissions testing.
Fiat is a complete fake news false company and a globalist take over of what was once an America institution and both Fiat and Chrysler need to be bankrupt and go the way of the horse and buggy for their ineptness and lies and Elon Musk and Tesla should not be allowed to sell credits and find new ways to grow his brand through the fraud of car companies unable or unwilling  to make cleaner cars

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