If Homo Jussie Smollet has charges drop Trump should exonerate and pardon White hero and supremacist patriot Matt Hale

Ed West
   Jussie Smollett is national news and the racial double standards and hate form Black and minority dominated Cook county in its prosecution attorney in being allowed to let this scumbag actor off with his egregious lies and crime and lies brings up another case and how a man was railroaded by the same Cook County justice system as White Supremacist Matt Hale had been railroaded on Trumped up charges some two decades ago of justifying the death if a federal charge. An informant  had been places in White supremacists Matt Hale's inner circle and made some small talk of that a judge named Joan Lefkow should be killed in which Mr Hale had just said you got to do what you got to do in reference to this informant constantly bringing up this judge that had ruled on a patent case that was not in the favor of Mate Hales Church of the Creator.
Now mind in you Matt Hale had never actually was recorded telling this man to kill the judge and so forth and for prosecutes to put this  man in jail because Cook country has White suprmacyphobia is one of the most egregious forms of evil actions by any prosecutor office and Matt Hale should receive a pardon and exoneration form president Trump pronto  no matter how bad it my look or the day the left will have as this is a rotten county and city that lets a fake hate crime attack and sixteen charges being dropped for an over-paid Black actor but then gives a two decade charge for a man who believes that white people are superior to skunk apes and just basically had a church and white supremacist organization in Illinois that pointed out the massive amount of Black on White crime and epidemic that liberal media and anti-white institutions like Cook County hold against the White race. The sinister attack on Matt Hales free speech is at issue as it is for all people and many people need to take the campaign for his release and he is only in prison as a political prisoner because of the shits like Jussie Smollett running government in Illinois and Chicagostan who would take away f[=your freedoms and speech as quickly as it has done for Mr Hale.
President Trump should act quick and exonerate Mr Hale who has served way overtime and even one day for the fake news of Cook County and their protected left-wing anti-American judgeship and fake threats was an injustice and a railroad against Mr Hale because he was white and like many White  people we kn ow we come form a superior culture and history than the other barbarianism races that seek our destruction especially the descended ones form American slavery. I can't think of a better political response to Crook County for their deplorable actions in letting Jussie Smollett go than the release of Matt Hale.

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