Jimmy Fallon parody and mocks geriatric Democratic Socialist front runner Bernard Sanders

  Randolph Perkins IV
   Jimmy Fallon came aboard his award winning Tonight show and did a parody of amazing quality impersonating Bernie Sanders doing a Rap Country Song by ahhh Lile Wayne or somebody. Jimmy Fallon marked it dead on with his portrayal of Bernie Sanders and many people in the audience actually thought it was the front runner Vermont senator old buzzard bastard so concerned about growing inequality and ways to regulate more and bring about a equal between workers and owners in the business world. Jimmy Fallon and other late night talk show hosts obviously do not wish this as the inequality we see in society helps pave the way for more cable and media channels
than what is needed and allows Mr Fallon, Trevor Noah, Stephan Colbert, and Jimmy Kimmel outrageous bonuses and incomes far exceeding than what they deserve for their role. This is not to say that Jimmy Fallon's impersonation and singing old Town Hall was not entertaining as Jimmy buzzed this old geek and his appearance eon the Fox town hall where he either had a bug in his ear or forgot his fucking hearing aid. This video made Bernie Sanders loo old and incompetent as he is and is another reason people will vote against this guy who got hammered in 2016 yet somehow created a narrative the Democratic committee screwed him over despite the overwhelming evidence this clown is unfit to be president and represents the most radical of socialist thought in this country that few have the wisdom to support or actually think is preferable .

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