Lakewood,Colorado truck accident and why wee need to push back against trucking industry (Part One)

  Clifford Gifford
   A truck accident to or potential terrorist attack occurred Lakewood, Colorado and a runaway truck driven by a Mexican national plowed into a caused fiery crash with twenty four cars and this is more evidence of need to eventually phase out truckers and the industry that only promises to bring more meth and drugged out foreigners into this land and occupation of truck driving. The industry is desperate for drivers and no actual self-driving trucking industry is feesable or a reality and the nations interstate sand highways are filled with these potential powder kegs with drivers alarming and
increasingly made of of Mexicans and other foreign nationals and no one is talking about this problema,  The fact that heavy fueled 19 ton rigs are manned by these people who are undocumented and unknown should send a chill to everyone and out corrupt political and business class is responsible for filling up our streets with these diesel bombs and it is unbelievable nothing was learned form 9/11.Rotten Rogel Lazaro Aguilera-Mederos is no Juan Lin Miranda and he will not be playing in any redemption of Hamilton and this guy caused such a mess with a 28 car pile up killing four people and eventually trucks need to be taken off the road as the business community doesn't care that the importing of drug pot smoker sis the future of this workforce.
The brakes going bad is an excuse likely lie as the powerful drug legalization industry and pro-open borders migratory for-profiteers don;t wish for the Americana people to know the truth and that is a bunch of high Mexicans nationals are behind huge rigs and can easily  repeat this truck disaster in Lakewood, Colorado

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